

Haven't Posted in MONTHS... literally

CXC HAS BEEN WORKING INSANELY, INTENSELY HARD. We wrapped up Paint it BLACK and would love to thanks all of those who attended, the collection launch was a success. More than half the audience loved the Rock and Roll involved with the Fashion. As many Know our influence is high end rock and roll. All models were awesome and we had a WICKED time all together. I will be posting up some pictures so you can get some sort of feel of what the show was like .. until i finish editing the rest .. Thanks for riding the Wave, Cacos

Although we where partying back stage &
arrived in a New York Minute the team was so on point it was insane.



The last week of 2010

To wrap this beauteous year up i want to describe it in one word, WICKED. With that being said I would like to give a grand shout out to all the Supporters of CXC. Lately we have been working underground participating in events and working on the official launch for fashion week Feb in 2011, The collection will consist of up to 20 Garments of 4 that have been previewed so far. Don't think we have left you guys in the dust you can follow up with whats going on with CxC on twitter @casterinecotour . Besides Rock and Roll and Fashion Team CaCo is also working more in depth with the following projects for 2011.

-Rock Cotour Photoshoot
-Online Magzine Photoshoot
-Feb 2011 Fashion Show
-Casterine Cotour Commercial
-Magic Trade Show in Las Vegas
-Sept 2011 Fashion Show

we are looking for models and actors for these projects please contact us as promptly as possible slots are limited
Plus the fillers of course we are glad to that our brand loves to f*kCing Rock and ROLL #WICKED


A Great Casterine Cotour Outfit for a Day like Today :D


13 Denim,

The bass hits my heart, a pulse i cant even try to imagine ,
blue as the ocean's tide, Durable as when it crashes against rocky shores.



Jewels by Mas "Innovation" Fashion show & CxC "failing Awake" art Show

Haven t been Updated on CxC ? , Its Partially my fault, Apologizes to the 10th. A lot of work and Brainstorming have to be organized and it is going into effect. I'm quite excited for the upcoming shows planned , as for - Casterine Cotour will be sponsoring The Jewels by Mas Fashion show November the 13th and a preview of your Reale Royale Collection will be displayed. Also The "failing awake" Gallery show is going as planned Tickets will go on Sale next month, lets make the good times ROLL! As you may Know Joshua Colon's Art will be displayed as well a sneak peak of the Rock COTOUR Collection. A special thanks to @southbxlifted who will be the DJ at both events , Jewels by Mas, Vxin apparel and The models participating in the events.


i would like to leave you all with something to think about...

What is your input on Fashion being considered a " Superficial Art " ? ? ?
all opinions will be gladly appreciated :)

Vee Neck or Crew Cut?