1. The Yankees Won! The NY Yankees are World Champs defeating the Philadelphia Phillies on Wednesday Night 7-3 our 27th win Baby. Source. My FOX
2. Day Day (Mike Epps) is a Rapper WTF!?!. Says he will continue rapping as long as rappers continue being funny. Source. The Urban Daily
3. Pakistan models defy Taliban in 1st ever Fashion Week. The 4 day event kept getting pushed back due to security fears but it made its fashion debut on Wednesday. Source. Telegraph.

4. Taylor Swift takes jabs at Kanye. Watch her get him back in her SNL monologue. Source. PerezHilton
5. Rihanna Speaks. Says F Love in a tearful interview about domestic violence with Diane Sawyers Source. MTV

6. Gaga in Gossip. Lady Gaga will be in Gossip Girl but not just a pass by cameo. Nope she demanded an entire episode to her and only she can do that. Watch Nov 16
Source. RollingStone

7. Health Care bill passed. A sweeping 200-215 votes were made, So you know its going to pass the Senate then Prez Obama will get it and we will all get healthcare. Just think before you get excited: How is it that the gov't think they can take care better care of our health and they can't even get H1N1 swine flu shot out for everyone or better yet handle our economy WTH? Source. CNN

* why 8? Because its our logo/infinity sign standing up. get. with. it. LOL.
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