
Fast Life? Live on the Crash Course!

Some people live by the "risk-kay" factor too risky = no go, some people aren't afraid of taking risks and go for it all. They give up what they don't need for what they believe in. In the city that never sleeps sometimes its a great thing to wake up after your Morning Frappa-chappa-chino and take a risk of some sort an adventure. Many of Casterine Cotour's Projects and inspirations have been based upon risk with short term deadlines. In the fashion industry we definitely live on the crash course best part about it is once you take a risk theres INFINITE possibilities to improvise on a project that has set backs. Sometimes the project even has more of a natural feel while improvising. BIG APPLE 3am ; The CaCo movement takes risk at that time of the night and nothing feels better than feeling Native and going for it all. This goes to those people who are creative and care about what people think about there "appearance" for once just go out there and take the biggest risk of all BE YOURSELF once you've accomplished that nothing else can separate you from your dreams!
-#teamcaco , #SouthbxLifted #CacoMovement signing out.


  1. Great Blog.... (Creator - Santagold)

  2. The movement iz official from wat i seen ya headed on the right path wish all ya the best of luck - Holla !


Vee Neck or Crew Cut?